Tuesday 7 September 2010


Hey Bloggy,

Yeah its stupid o'clock again. I am awake. I can't seem to sleep even when I am really tired.

Toddled off to bed, read for a bit and snuggled down about 1am, then got too hot, moved duvet, got too cold, got uncomfortable, moved position etc etc you get the idea.
Got myself out of bed around 2am in frustration.

Been following a reduced fat diet for the last two days which has helped the pain of those darned gallstones but they still hurt. Plus I have been a bit depressed so ate a bar of chocolate tonight which obviously wont help so that made me more depressed.

I have got the first set of books for my Open Uni course and had a perusal. Seems ok-ish. Just need to keep that depressive mood from telling me all those negative things and not get too freaked out before it all starts in October.

I dont have a Consultants appointment for the gallstones until October 6th which although its only a month, seems such a very long way off. I am not sure how much longer I can put up with the pain and depression really.

Scuse the bad punctuation etc I am not really with it and to be honest not really in the mood to give a damn about it anyway.

Try more sleep, fingers crossed x

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