Saturday, 3 July 2010


Whoops. I got distracted and ended up having a good moan rather than actually explaining why yesterday (now) was such a wierd day.

Well maybe wierd is not really the best way to describe it but hey it sounds good to me.

I eventually dragged my lazy ass out of bed at 11.30am. Good job I got a good sleep now seeing at is nearly 4am the next morning and I haven't got a wink since, despite being so tired.

Anyway I got a bit of well meant but still hurtful nudge from my mum. Calling her at 13.30 knowing she needed to do some shopping but she hasn't the visual strength and confidence to drive since her sight began to suffer. She happily told me my father had already taken her, I asked 'oh, why didn't you let me know', as I always ask her before going myself and take her whenever I go due to her lack of driving confidence. The response was 'Well, it would do you good to get of your arse and go yourself'. Thanks Mum.

You know the reason I haven't left the house since Tuesday except to see the Nurse is I am very poorly. Ya' know back pain, nausea, dizziness, hot sweats but hey that's nothing right!

She explained she meant it in the nicest possible way but it didn't really help much. It still hurts.

Emotions are running riot right now and despite my tough exterior I am like a snail, soft on the inside.

Still I got to the supermarket wandered round and made my purchases and then drove back for some 'real' retail therapy. Yeah, I know I had been shopping but buying bread, fishcakes and courgettes don't do the retail therapy thing for me.

Splashed out on 'Lush' online. I only discovered the joys of lush products last weekend when I nipped into a shop for the first time. I am in Love lol. The limited edition 'Comforter' (blackcurrant) shower gel is happiness in a bottle.

I then found myself on Evans and discovered a beautiful steampunk style Clocket Necklace which instantly won my heart. Threw in a pair of nice pinstripe linen trousers reduced by £12 in the sale and whoops.. made another order. Lol.

Hey, I need something to make me smile. Its not like I have had much to smile about lately.

The evening progressed and the pain has increased. Its now 4.05am Saturday morning the birds have just begun their song and the sky is slowly becoming lighter.

Fingers crossed this pain passes soon please folks xx

1 comment:

Ceeej said...

Mmmm Lush blackcurrant....