Wednesday, 14 July 2010

What is attractive?

Hmm now this is a question I don't really think about much to be honest. I have to admit I do NOT think I have any physically attractive features, or shall we say did not. However some of the amazing women I have seen on HNT's and blogs has given me a slightly different opinion of myself.

As a bisexual woman I know what i find attractive on a woman. For me personality is a major thing but for the purposes of this post I am going to disregard it and consider only physical features.

Anyway... for me a woman needs curves, she needs to have a lovely bum one I can wander up behind her and grasp and feel spill out over my fingers, like a luscious peach!
She has to have a tummy, something soft, curved and that gives that rise and delicious fall as you slide your hand down towards the legs. Rounded soft hips that show the beauty of nature and give that perfectly generous curving middle.
Most importantly for me has to be the boobs. I love a good pair of shapely boobs on a woman. Not so big that she seems to be walking hunched forward, but not so small they get lost in my chubby little hands.

But the most important thing in it all... they have to love their own body too.

Teaches me a lot about myself this..

1 comment:

Ceeej said...

What a very difficult question, I have no idea what attractive is but I do know anyone who claims to know a unversal 'attractive' is a liar.

Attractive is different for everyone, for me it's something I can find in women of all shapes and sizes, all ages although I have to admit to a certain attraction to women who are shaped like women should be, curvacious.

Attitude and personality are also a huge part of the equation for me, despite what people tell you about model looks and firm toned figures beign the only thing men look for.