Saturday, 10 July 2010

Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot...

Oooooh Its sooooo HOT!

I dont mind sunny days when there is that fresh chill in the air like those that we enjoy in the beginning of spring and those beautiful evenings and early mornings in the autumn. How I love the autumn, they to me are the culmination of a years work.

I am the daughter of a farmer having been brought up in this way means I can really see the beauty in the seasons. The Spring for me is the starting point of the year, the beauty of the beginning of life, the starting point of the farming calendar (kinda), the days start to get longer and everyday for the gardeners among us there is something new to gaze upon. Those sunny bright daffodils pop up and sway in the wind a sign of positivity for the year ahead.

Summer, well summer in England, hmm, sometimes we have one. Well its hot now and its 1am my fancy accuweather pop up says its about 19C now. Not sure how accurate it is but I have my fan on the highest setting and its damned hot. Summer is a strange time of the year, sometimes we have intense weather changes such as those devastating floods, other summers we spend in jumpers with the heating on full and then summers like this we spend wishing we had air conditioning and swimming pools.

This intense heat is causing problems for the farming community, crops are struggling to grow, some are peaking too early and not giving the croping rate expected. A lot of people do not realise that farmers are not able to insure themselves against this, a growing crop cannot be insured. The fallacy that all farmers are wealthy is simply that a FALLACY!

(whoops sorry got a bit carried away there)

Autumn is a beautiful season, 'a season of mists and mellow fruitfulness'. The rich colours of the trees peeking through the pre dawn mists. The rich smell of the fruits ripe and heavy on the trees, the dust rising behind the combines and the smell of harvest. For me this time of year floods me with memories, those long evenings as a child being allowed to stay up late, the yard on the farm flooded with light in which the harvest dust danced. The smell of the warm freshly harvested wheat as it was poured like liquid into the sheds, the occasional honour of being allowed to stay up late and join my father for his late tea at 10pm.

Even now the aroma of my wheat bag when warm fills me with those comforting memories of childhood.

Then winter arrives, those cold chilly mornings when getting out of bed is a nightmare, looking out when making the morning coffee to see crispy grass and plants all sparkling with the frost.

Ahh the seasons of the year are so beautiful all in their own way but when its hot like this... Ahh no fun!

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