Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Its a Windy Wednesday

Hey Folks,

I sometimes think that no one reads this but you know it doesn't really matter.

Whats happened since the weekend;

I have a new mobile a Nokia 5800 Xpress Music which is funky and annoying at the same time (new phones often are, I tend to get really comfy with them and then my contracts ready for an upgrade and I cant resist the urge of something new and so it goes on).

My Jinx cat has had the all clear from the vets, he has to stay on specialist food now for life but thats a small price to pay in the whole scheme of things.

I have taken to using a blank word processor document to list the things i have to do everyday. Starting with them in red and slowly changing to green on completion. Its a nice way to see I have achieved things each day and  as they are fairly simple to achieve such as 'Take Jinx to Vets', I am feeling positive. I even add things after they have been done as it goes to show although I often feel I am getting nowhere I have done something.

I have applied for a job, just a simple one but I sent in my CV and the letter last night so that too is a real step in the right direction. I am hoping to get a Job offer so I can finally hand in my notice on my current job get out of this sick depressive phase and start again.

I have started a mini eBay empire. Thanks to the motivation of a close friend I have taken the first steps in this by selling off a few items I have at home and am now waiting for some orders to arrive so I can sell more. I am aiming at the adult market and hoping that could maybe be a positive for my future also.

I am getting on well with my parents, I have a massive issue with my dad and feeling I am not ever good enough for him. He does not understand depression and with my being off work I feel I am a failure and an embarrassment to him. Although getting honest about this feeling has led to me finding this is not the case at all. Although it is still pretty hard to accept this, it is almost like a stick i frequently use to beat myself with...

Oh and I have a yummy fruit cake in the oven...

Piccies in the next post



cbtish said...

You're right, it doesn't really matter ;)

ShySarah said...

But it is lovely to have a comment ty hon x

Ceeej said...

I get like that with phones, I finally get used to one and then it's time to upgrade. I'm in that position at the moment but the phone I want is constantly out of stock. TBH I'm finding it's not that big a deal once you get over the 'shiny pebble, want want' stage..

Cake looks yummy, only a shame I can't taste it and some of the other things that come out of your kitchen.....

Good luck with the job application and eBay empire, I'll be watching with interest ;)